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24 May, 2017

On Wednesday 24th May 2017, Cytonn Investments Management Limited (Cytonn) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Embu. This marked the first of a series of partnerships that Cytonn seeks to make with other local universities to have their best students join Cytonn through the Cytonn Young Leaders Programme (CYLP).

Anne Wanjiru, Senior Human Resource Associate at Cytonn, speaking during the event, said there was a gap between theory and work and that the programme seeks to equip students with necessary skills as they embark on their careers.

Group picture of the team from Cytonn Investments and the  University of Embu during the signing of the M.o.U.

Edwin H. Dande, Cytonn Investments Managing Partner & C.E.O, making his remarks during the ceremony.

Speaking during the partnership agreement ceremony at the University of Embu, Cytonn Investments’ Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer, Edwin Dande asserted that CYLP was an essential recruitment tool, adding that any company is as good as its employees. "To deliver the best investment returns and service we should have the best asset, which is the people. Consequently, we spare no resource in seeking to recruit the most talented people," he said. ''In light of this, CYLP seeks to fill this gap by moulding fresh graduates to fit into the current job market."

University of Embu Vice Chancellor Daniel Mugendi making his remarks at the event.

The Vice Chancellor, University of Embu, Professor Daniel Mugendi lauded Cytonn’s efforts to empower the youth through CYLP’s rigorous training, agreeing that such efforts ensured that university students were well equipped and ready for the job market.

CYLP is an intensive and competitive 12-week training programme that exposes fresh university talent to the office environment and culture. Students must also demonstrate leadership qualities and be committed to succeeding in a team context. It has had over 426 young leaders from various universities across the country participating, with Cytonn offering jobs to 129 of them to date. 52% of the current workforce at Cytonn is made up of graduates from CYLP.
