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16 December, 2016

The Board of Cytonn Cash Management Solutions, Cytonn CMS, which is composed of elected investment Partners of the fund, held its final board meeting of the year, yesterday.

The Cytonn CMS advisory board during the meeting.

At a time when investors have lost money in various vehicles and investments, it makes sense for investors to take active oversight roles in the governance of their investments. Cytonn CMS is one of the few chama-like vehicles that has put in world class governance structures: Global Auditors Grant Thornton, Audited Financial Statements distributed to all investors, Custodians, Annual AGM of investment partners, and an Advisory Board of Directors, elected by the Investors in Cytonn CMS.

L-R: Shaka Kwach -Chairman of the advisory board, Mitesh Chavda, Doreen Onwong’a -Board Secretary, and Maurice Oduor- Investment Manager during the meeting.

During their end year meeting the Board Chair, Mr Shaka Kwach, emphasized the importance of the independence of the Board in ensuring Investors not only receive the best returns available in the market but are also assured of the returns.

L-R: Shaka Kwach -Chairman of the advisory board, Mitesh Chavda, Doreen Onwong’a -Board Secretary, and Maurice Oduor- Investment Manager during the meeting.
