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9 December, 2015

Cytonn Investments Management Limited is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Mike Bristow to its Board of Directors.

Mr. Bristow, who is the current Board Chairman of the Central Depository and Settlement Corporation Limited, brings to the Board a wealth of experience spanning more than 30 years of executive management and Board roles in the financial sector, including being engaged in policy and innovation development.

He has worked as Managing Director/Executive Director of Barclays Bank, SSB Bank and Commercial Bank of Africa across four African countries – Kenya, Zambia, Ghana and DRC. During this time, Mr. Bristow’s has served various industry professional bodies in the four countries. In Kenya, he has played a significant role in the penetration of mobile money products. He has also coordinated and managed various SME and micro-finance schemes partnering with donors and NGOs in Kenya, Ghana, Zambia and DRC.

Mr. Bristow sits on the boards of other key institutions including the Financial Sector Deepening Africa Limited (FSDA), which is a DfID sponsored organization based in Kenya and Frontier Clearing Corp. BV based in Holland, both of which work to facilitate robust, efficient and inclusive financial markets.

He has a MSC in African Politics from London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Bankers, London.

Mr. Bristow is a valuable addition to the board given his deep experience in financial services in Africa. He will assist the board and management of Cytonn as we work to ensure that we are the brand that delivers the best investment returns and the best client services to investors interested in real estate, private equity and structured products in the Eastern Africa region.


Professor Daniel Mugendi

Chairman, Board of Directors

Cytonn Investment Management Limited
