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27 November, 2016

One of the key pillars for anyone’s life is personal financial planning. It is never too early to begin planning towards setting financial goals, which are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and have timelines. On Saturday, Cytonn Investments trained clients on personal financial planning, with a key focus on planning for retirement.

Shiv Arora taking participants through the training

The training was facilitated by Cytonn’s Head of Private Equity, Shiv Arora, who took the attendees through what planning for retirement entails. “For one to successfully plan for retirement, they need to establish the lifestyle they want during this period, how much money that lifestyle will require, their current financial situation and how that situation will change during retirement,” said Shiv.

Shiv stressing a point during the training

 “Once you have established your financial goal, it is important to plan how you will invest and where you will invest depending on your age, income levels, number of dependents, and the stage you are at in your life cycle. Financial planning also includes planning for emergencies,” he added.

Arora took them through the steps of financial planning which include determining one’s current financial situation, developing financial goals, identifying alternative courses of action, evaluating alternatives, creating and implementing your financial action plan and reviewing and revising the financial plan.

Participants who attended the training in a group photo with Shiv

The training is part of Cytonn’s move to improve financial literacy of its clients through the Wealth Management Training Programme that takes place on a bi-monthly basis, and is open to pre-screened participants, To apply: Click this link
