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11 November, 2017

During the 11th session of Cytonn e-Hub season 2 the participants were guided on utilizing mentorship and networking opportunities. The session was facilitated by Raphael Mwangi, C.E.O, Smoothtel & Data Solutions Ltd, an ICT company that operates in various countries in Africa with its headquarters based in Kenya.

“In any industry, one should aim to be remembered. The main question is how do you get remembered?” Raphael posed while introducing the topic. “When networking, leave people with an impression that gets them interested to know more about you and what you offer,” Raphael added.

To effectively network, Raphael provided a few key pointers:

  1. Conduct research to identify specific networking prospects,
  2. Have a definite plan of how to build mutually beneficial relationships. For example, identify the mentor and the best ways to approach the person,
  3. Do not network with people you know, instead build new relationships when networking during events,
  4. Be cautious of what you do. For example, fidgeting and body posture makes a big impact on the impression created,
  5. Express value, interest and focus on what you are saying when networking, and
  6. The best prospective mentor is someone who can listen to you.


While explaining the main aspect of mentorship, Raphael noted the need for entrepreneurs to allow their mentors help them solve their problems, while learning from their mentors' skills in the process.

Cytonn eHub Season 2 continues on Saturday, 18th November 2017 with David Kyalo, Co-founder, Afriqque Ventures guiding participants on “Acquiring and Retaining the Best Asset - People.”
