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2 December, 2017

Cytonn Investments Management Plc (Cytonn Investments) held its annual staff strategy retreat and end year party at Elementaita Country Lodge on 2ndand 3rd December, aimed at recapping the company strategy and renewing the team spirit as we look to an even better year come 2018. The theme of the retreat was “Moving from Good to Great.”

The 2-day event, facilitated by Cytonn’s Team Building Committee and Blaze Consulting, brought together over 300-staff from all departments, providing a unique opportunity for teambuilding and strategy discussion. Speaking during the event, Erick Muriithi, Senior Trainer at Blaze Consulting reminded the team of the time old adage, “If you want to move fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, move as a team.” While drawing from experiences of brands that were faced with the opportunity to embrace innovation, some taking the cue and becoming great, while others passing the opportunity and disappearing to obscurity, Eric challenged the staff members to pull together and deliver innovative solutions that could help propel the company from good to great.

Elizabeth N. Nkukuu, CFA, Cytonn’s Senior Partner and Chief Investment Officer, then gave a brief recap of the achievements Cytonn has made so far, highlighting the over Kshs 82.0 bn of assets under mandate and 10 investments projects, and attributing this milestone to the “…great partnerships and team work that have guided the firm through the challenges. 
“We as Cytonn are guided by three operating principles, offering the best returns, providing best client services to our clients, and protecting their interests,” she explained.

Edwin H. Dande, Cytonn’s CEO and Managing Partner used the five strategic pillars (people, products, processes, distribution and brand) of the company to guide the team in a Q&A session as the event came to a close. The team, while divided into groups, came up with challenges facing the five pillars and proposed best and sustainable solutions for each of the challenges going into year 2018. After the strategy session, the team had a fun-filled dinner party, which provided a chance for staff bonding while celebrating Cytonn’s achievements for the year.
