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17 October, 2016

Cytonn Real Estate released the 2016 Hospitality Sector Report  today that focused on the hospitality industry in Kenya and serviced apartments in Nairobi with an aim of informing the market of the current trends in the industry pertaining to occupancy, demand and revenues.

Johnson Denge_Market Research & Site Acquisition Manager, Cytonn Investments Management Limited.

The report, which was released at the Nairobi Serena Hotel, found Maasai Mara and Nairobi to be the best performing regions for hotels with Eldoret and Kisumu having the worst performance. In addition, there was increased demand for serviced apartments in Kenya due to improved security and affordability.

Media personalities during the release of the report

The report themed “Sailing Through the Storm” is part of the cutting edge and informative industry reports regularly released by Cytonn. Johnson Denge, Cytonn’s Market Research & Site Acquisition Manager while releasing the report noted, “The outlook for the hospitality industry is positive as the revenues are high, occupancy levels are however low as a result of high supply and low tourist numbers.”According to the report, Hospitality industry players need to diversify their products and markets to earn higher returns.

The team behind the report
