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7 October, 2017

Week 7 of “The Cytonn eHub “ Season 2 was moderated by Dennis Shisia, Founder & CEO of The Campus Lady Magazine, who discussed “Business and Product Development”.

Dennis discussed the three main factors that are important to consider when introducing a new product in a business or starting a new venture altogether.

“It does not matter how slowly you go in business, just don’t stop,” Dennis said. He based this on the fact that with new products, profits will not be immediate as they take time and will involve a lot of struggle. With this in mind, he insisted that for those who have or want to start a business for immediate returns, they should close the business and seek employment instead.

He then pointed out the impact of partners to a business. “It is important to pair with the right people because you never know, in the future they may take over your business,” Dennis explained. In addition, he insisted on getting honest feedback from your business partners. This would be important when developing your product as their feedback is important in ensuring the resulting product is of high quality.

To conclude, the participants were reminded that clients will buy into the company image before they buy the company products, “Sell yourself first to your customers, make them know you, then you will sell your products and developments as well.”

The next session of “The Cytonn eHub“ Season 2 will be held on Saturday, 14th October 2017 at The Chancery, Valley Road, from 9 am to 12 pm. It will be moderated by Mike Okinda from Consolidated Bank of Kenya on “Building a brand for your business.”
