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29 October, 2016
Growing wealth and managing it is everyone’s dream. At Cytonn Investments, we believe that wealth creation and management is a recipe for economic development.  Today, we held a client training session at our Chancery offices along Valley Road. The training titled ‘Structured High Yielding Investments’ is part of Cytonn’s strategy of equipping and empowering its clients and partners with knowledge and skills on how to create and grow wealth through Real Estate investments.

Maurice Oduor conducting the training

Maurice Oduor, Investment Manager at Cytonn Investments, took clients through the training which included a brief introduction to investments, types of asset classes, structured high yielding investment solutions, challenges faced by structured investment solutions and impact of structured investments solution in the deepening of capital markets and economic development.

Section of clients who attended the training

"As a client focused company, we not only grow wealth for our clients, but also seek to equip them with knowledge and skills on how to better evaluate investment opportunities and manage their wealth. We seek to grow wealth for future generations and one way of achieving this is through financial training." noted Maurice

Maurice notes down answers given by clients during the training

The session was very interactive as clients had a Q&A session where they sought clarification on several investments issues. They also had an opportunity to network among themselves, with most of them being of the opinion that Cytonn holds such training on a regular basis.

If you are interested in future training of this kind, contact us via clientservices@cytonn.com
