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12 November, 2016

To retain a customer demands more effort and skill than to gain one. Today, Cytonn eHub season one were trained on customer service by Leah Maina, our Business Administration Associate.

The participants were taken through Customer Excellence; Client Complaints and Ways to deliver a great customer experience strategy. According to Leah, “Customer Service Excellence means that it is not about exceeding the expectations of customers, but primarily about delivering what is promised and dealing well with any problems and queries that arise,”

Leah Maina, , training  participants on customer service.

Todays  guest speakers were George Wachiuri, CEO- Optiven Limited and Alex Nyaga, CEO- Parapet Cleaning Services, who shared their entrepreneurial journey and what it takes to start and grow a great business.

George Wachiuri, Optiven’s Chief Executive Officer took the team through the ups and downs in the life of an entrepreneur with an emphasize on giving back to the community, persistence and focus. “If you focus, you are like a sword. You cut both sides. Do one thing and do it so well,” he said.

George Wachiuri, CEO- Optiven Limited, sharing his entrepreneurial journey with  and what it takes to start and grow a great business

Alex Nyaga, Chief Executive Officer at Parapet Cleaning Services emphasized the need for innovation and value addition. “ today’s customers need value, convenience and good client relations; entrepreneurs should therefore make time to engage with clients.”

Alex Nyaga, CEO- Parapet Cleaning Services, sharing his entrepreneurial journey with  participants

Cytonn eHub is a 12-week training & mentorship program for young and upcoming entrepreneurs that seeks to enhance knowledge on how to run & grow successful enterprises
