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20 November, 2016

“For a business to succeed, it requires great people, products, processes and distribution channels. To maintain the professionalism, requires great team work.” Those were the opening remarks from the Managing Partner and C.E.O, Cytonn Investments, Edwin H. Dande during the company strategy retreat at Sweet Lake Resort Naivasha.  

Managing Partner and C.E.O Cytonn Investments Edwin Dande making the opening remarks

Cytonn’s annual strategy retreat was a highly engaging 2-day session themed “Rowing in the same direction.” The retreat was meant to communicate to all staff within the company our strategy of connecting demand and supply in the alternative investments market in Kenya and the region.

“Cytonn’s strategy is founded on four pillars: people, products, processes and distribution. We look for the best people, who thrive in a team context, from our Cytonn Young Leaders Programme. The best people develop the best alternative investment product in the market, which are developed using the most efficient processes for sustained growth. A great distribution leads to our products reaching the end-user in the best way,” added Edwin at the retreat.

The retreat was also a chance to have questions on the way forward for Cytonn from the team addressed. “At Cytonn, we are about growing professionals and ensuring that everyone works in a conducive environment, this is why we allow candid, constructive feedback from everyone” commented Elizabeth N. Nkukuu, Senior Partner and Chief Investments Officer, Cytonn Investments.

Senior Partner and Chief Investments officer, Elizabeth N. Nkukuu addressing the team

To continually enhance a culture of strong team work and ensure a smooth session, there were interactive discussions led by James Karundu, the C.E.O and founder of Passion Biz academy. After the strategy sessions, the team mingled and interacted during a highly entertaining session led by Blaze Consulting.

The Cytonn team enjoying a session led by Blaze
