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25 August, 2016

Esteemed shareholders and clients, Cytonn Management, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to this milestone event for the Cytonn Group, where we are proud to host you to our Annual General Meeting for both Cytonn Group, and our Cash Management Solutions Partnership.

East Africa remains the most attractive investment destination for investors looking for high stable returns. The alternative investments in Kenya continue to gain lots of traction as they consistently deliver attractive returns, and that is where Cytonn is focused on.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to congratulate the Management of Cytonn Investments for delivering strong results for the year 2015 for our shareholders, clients and partners. We also thank our auditors Grant Thornton, a leading global audit firm, who have audited our financial reports.

For our shareholders and joint venture partners, 2015 was a great year, as can be seen by our financial performance. Cytonn has delivered great numbers, registering profits of Kshs 631 million for the group.

With the continued attractive investment opportunity in Kenya and the region, and with the committed team at Cytonn, I believe we shall continue to contribute to economic growth, creating jobs and improving the standards of living.

In closing, let us continue to partner together to develop safe and attractive neighborhoods, as we grow our wealth together.

God bless you,

Thank you very much.
